Monthly archives: April, 2017
Saturday Spitballin’ with Andy: What Does Music Mean to You?
I think it’s safe to say everyone enjoys some type of music. And if you are reading this and you’re saying, “Well I don’t!” then it doesn’t quite make much sense why you clicked on this post anyway now does it? So that one’s on you.
Draft Day Party of Two
What If?
Saturday Spitballin’ with Andy: The Wabash Way
You may have heard of the tiny college mentioned in the title: Wabash College. It’s also highly likely that you haven’t. Maybe because it’s an all-male, liberal arts institution with less than 900 current students. If you’re thinking “holy crap that’s smaller than my high school” you aren’t alone. And yet, what occurs at this …
The Youngstown Phantoms
Tonight’s Friday night date night took a different turn from the usual dinner out, listening to Bob Harris or Jeff Mans, and watching the Indians, Cavs or a show we recorded on DVR. We are in downtown Youngstown at the Covelli Center watching the Youngstown Phantoms take on the Chicago Steel in the Clark Cup …
The 2017 NFL Schedule
Keep the Chief!

Chief Wahoo has been a Cleveland Indian since 1947. For several years, at the beginning of baseball season, protestors try to ban him from the MLB. Their efforts are paying off, and he is slowly being phased out. While we want to remain respectful and understanding of those who think differently than we do, we …
Rose Makes the Wall of Fame
My Masters Sunday – by Don
I am not the writer of the family, but here we go anyway. Sally was out of town Sunday which left me home alone on what some consider one of the greatest Sundays in sports. The Final Round of the Masters is always one of my favorite things to watch. But, little did I know …