Category «NFL»
Cleveland Controversy

The first time we ever talked to each other, we discussed Cleveland sports. We are both Cleveland fans, and it was important to know we were on the same page. Now, we are not seeing eye-to-eye about the Cleveland Browns – nothing unusual, since the Cleveland controversy is being argued by most people who follow …
Week Six Results
Four Weeks Down
We are four weeks into the NFL season, knee deep in pumpkin flavored everything, and closing in on our trip to The Field of Dreams.
2021 Predictions
It’s always fun to write a few predictions and throw our thoughts out to the universe. Sometimes we are spot on and sometimes we tank. Either way it is a fun post to look back on once the season is over.
Labor Day Weekend

Three day weekends can’t come often enough. We appreciate an extra day off, and try to fill Labor Day weekend full of as much fun as possible. Don started the weekend early but worked yesterday, so technically he still had three days off. Thursday started his FFPC drafts – one each on Thursday, Friday and …
The Fantasy Football Expo
The Countdown Is On
The Warrior Bowl
The Top Five Things We Are Looking Forward To
This winter seemed longer than usual, probably due to the Covid restrictions that are still in place, in addition to the endless gray skies that Northeast Ohio is known for. Now that Spring has officially arrived, we are getting excited about some upcoming events!