In honor of the third anniversary of A Fantasy Football Couple, we are going to write three posts today. It is hard to believe it has been three years since we decided to attempt this adventure – and what an adventure it has been!
The idea for the blog came to us after going to Bob Lung’s Pro Football Hall of Fame Fantasy Football Experience. We had so much fun together that weekend that we decided to combine Don’s love of Fantasy Football with my love of writing.

Warren Moon also played a big part in starting the blog. He encouraged us to go for our dreams, and not to give up. Moon is a perfect example of someone who was told he couldn’t do something over and over and over, but refused to stop until he had reached his goal.

This blog is now followed by over 10,000 people in 49 countries. We write about Fantasy Football, and any other topic that comes to mind. We have made new friends, strengthened our marriage, and had lots of fun experiences.
Happy anniversary to A Fantasy Football Couple. Cheers to many more years of blog posts and Fantasy Football Championships!