After the Super Bowl, there is always a bit of a gap in the sports world. Basketball and hockey lead the headlines since we still have a few weeks before baseball begins.
Even so, Don was a little surprised to turn on Fox Sports Radio and hear them talking about bowling. The PBA Tournament of Champions was front and center on Fox Sports! Pro Bowling!
Winter is the best time to hang out at the local bowling alley. A couple years ago, we went bowling a few times with our daughter and her husband, and had a great time! Bobby was bowling in a league and was quite impressive. Don, who is always competitive, gave Bobby a run for his money on more than one occasion.
Bowling is a sport that hasn’t received a lot of recognition lately, but maybe that is changing. Back in the 60’s and 70’s, pro bowlers made more money than professional golfers and NFL players. They were placed on a pedestal much like current day Quarterbacks.
Today’s professional bowlers do not earn anywhere near the wages earned by other sports professionals. Some of them even have “day” jobs to help support their lifestyle. We would like to see a comeback for bowlers. This game, like golf, is based on an individual’s skill. We will be paying more attention to the PBA tour and its participants. Hopefully these men and women will start receiving larger payouts and sponsorships. It will be interesting to see if the bowling trend pendulum is on the upswing.