RED ZONE & Pepperoni Rolls

This was another Sunday without the Browns game on our local television stations. Their current situation is so awful that we didn’t even mind not being able to watch their loss to the Kansas City Chiefs!

Instead of watching just one game, we have had Red Zone on all day. Red Zone from the NFL Network is the perfect way to watch the best parts of all the games – every touchdown from every game. Hosted by Scott Hanson, Red Zone is commercial free and is a fun way to watch football.

In the midst of watching Red Zone, I decided to start making one of Don’s favorite game day treats – pepperoni rolls, known everywhere other than Northeast Ohio as pizza rolls. In order to make it a little easier and quicker, I used frozen dough instead of making my own homemade pizza dough. I wasn’t prepared for how frozen dough rises when it thaws, and was really surprised when our whole oven was full of dough!


More Red Zone, more pepperoni rolls, until every inch of counter space was taken up by baked rolls, and rolls waiting to be baked. We are blessed to have lots of pepperoni rolls and a relaxing afternoon watching football.


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