Can you believe there are only seven more Sundays without football? The off season always flies by, but this year time has seemed to pass by even faster.
The Hall of Fame game always gets the season started. The Broncos and Falcons play this year’s game, which is only 18 days away. Canton, OH will be rocking, beginning August 1st with Hall of Fame festivities.
Eight weeks from today, we will be watching the Cleveland Browns take on the Tennessee Titans. And, Red Zone will be back! Red Zone makes watching football so much more exciting, and we can’t really imagine Football Sundays without it.
What are you planning to do the next seven Sundays? We love summer Sundays and always try to do something fun. Coffee on the deck, pool time, and spending time with family and friends top our list of Sunday Funday activities. Since we are only an hour from Lake Erie, we also love spending time at the beach.
We love Football Sundays, but these last few Sundays before the season begins always seem a little extra special. Enjoy yours too!