Week Eight was a busy one! Every week seems to be going by faster and faster. Like I remind my coworkers, Christmas is almost here!
Don and Bobby and the remaining participants in the Survivor Pool all survived Week Eight. Everyone surviving doesn’t happen very often, but the final 25 did it! Don and Bobby both chose the Minnesota Vikings in Thursday Night’s game against the Washington Redskins. Even though Bobby cheered occasionally for the Redskins, the Vikings won and kept them alive for another week.
Don won his Hometown Trophy league, which was a rematch of last year’s Super Bowl competition. Things went better this time, and Don beat Steve 150-89. Don had the high-point total for the week and now has a record of 5-3 and is tied for first place.
The FFPC leagues did not fare as well. He lost both of his games, dropping one league record to 2-6 and riding an even 4-4 in the other league.
In the league that he has a 2-6 record, Don has only four points less than the team that is in first place with a record of 7-1. If Don had played other teams each game, he could possibly have a perfect record. This is the craziness of Fantasy Football! Even with his 2-6 record, he still has a chance to make the playoffs!
We have not been able to add any more ornaments to our little Browns’ Christmas tree. We are going into Week Nine with only two ornaments! There is a lot of disappointment and frustration in Cleveland, but we are quite used to that. We still have high hope for the rest of the season.