The pressure was on in Week Seventeen. The final week of Fantasy Football is very nerve-racking since you never know who is going to play and who is going to sit the bench.
One hour before the game we heard that one of our best players in our Football Diehards Listeners League, Devonte Adams, wouldn’t be playing. We thought we had good news when we heard that one of our other great performers, Christian McCaffrey, was going to play. We kept CMC in our starting lineup, hoping that he would at least play half the game. McCaffrey ended up playing one series, giving us 5 points instead of the hoped for minimum of 15.
I held my breath most of the day yesterday, continually checking the Football Diehards score. We had hoped against all hope that we would make it to the championship and play against one of the Diehards. When we did make it that far, it seemed like we stood a chance to win, which was much better than I ever would have thought in the beginning of the season.
Unfortunately, Mike Dempsey of the Football Diehards, took us down in the second week of the Championship. I thought I would be more upset about losing, but how many people can say that they played against DEMPSEY in a Fantasy Football Championship?! We are thrilled to have played in the Football Diehards Listeners League and hope to have the chance to do so again next year.
Don won his Hometown Huge Trophy League 138-49. He played against the senior Wakefield to end in first place in his division. He also had high points for the week, and ended the regular season in second place in his league for high points. The Hometown League plays out the entire NFL season, re-drafting for each week of the play-offs after the Wild Card week. It gets very intense and the farther Don goes in the season, the more worried I become about housing that humongous trophy for a whole year. I should probably listen to Mike Dempsey and not speak out loud about The Trophy, just in case the Fantasy Football gods are listening!