Week Two was a combination of feeling like we’ve got this and holding our breath til the last minute, hoping to pull out a win.
Don won his Hometown Trophy League, beating Andrew 107-61. A combination of Stefon Diggs and Jalen Hurts helped overcome a deficit. This game was one of our breath holders!
The Warrior Bowl and Scott Fish Bowl were both losses this week. Don lost 154-133 in the Fish Bowl against a team who had Jalen Hurts. Don and Bob Lung will be going at each other again in Week 3 of the Scott Fish Bowl. Don is down 0-1 after his loss to Bob in the first week of the Warrior Bowl.
Troy Norris’s Smack Down Sports Legends League was a split again this week. Don lost, I won. I give a lot of credit to Don for his ongoing advice. Week 2 bragging rights: I still have the highest points out of all three leagues. Don’s son Nathan is in this league also, and has a 1-1 record.
FFPC Leagues were better than last week, but still not very happy with the results. One of the most frustrating things for fantasy owners is to have high total points but not have a winning record. Don’s favorite team is producing a lot of points, but as the luck of the draw would have it, not enough to win the game.
We have had a lot of fun with The Dirt Bowl. This was one of our most exciting games this week! We listened to Jen Piacenti’s Fantasy advice Sunday morning, knowing we were going up against her. We were leading most of the day, until she took a big lead Sunday night. The Sleeper app gave us a 4% chance of being able to beat her, so we knew we were done unless one of our players went off. Thanks to an outstanding performance by Diggs – 44.8 – we won the game, giving us a record of 2-0. We had the most total points in the league, and Jen had the second highest total points. She would have won if she played any other team. Week Three will see us taking on Football Diehard, Bob Harris.
The Dirty Laundry was another split – Don lost to Lauren 169-150, and I took down Stephanie 144 – 133. Don would have beat both of our teams – he had the third highest score and lost his game. Seems to be a pattern this week!
Draft Night Out was another loss. Don is 0-2 in the league that drafted at the Pro Football Hall of Fame Stadium.
Week Three takes off tomorrow night with the Cleveland Browns taking on the Pittsburgh Steelers in Cleveland. Where we live, directly in the middle of Cleveland and Pittsburgh, this is a huge rivalry due to the fans being split between the teams. We were blacked out from viewing the Browns game Sunday, so at least we will be able to watch this one thanks to Amazon Prime. Go Browns!